You worked hard for years and invested consistently and wisely. As a result, you have a high quality of life and have built up a healthy investment portfolio. You feel confident that you have the income to live well throughout your retirement years. Yet, as a savvy investor, you remain open to new ways to diversify your investments. Think outside the box and incorporate a reverse mortgage into your investment strategy.
If you have a high net worth and owe little to nothing on your primary home, you’re in the right place. If you worry that you may outlive your retirement funds, or if you or a family member struggle to pay necessary expenses, we may help you find a solution that meets your needs.
Get Creative with Your Investments
Most financial advisors recommend that adults in their 60s and beyond consider a higher ratio of low-risk investments. This ensures that a recession or a stock market downturn won’t deplete your life savings when you need it most.
However, most investors also want to make the most of their assets. Because adults in higher income brackets rely on investments, savings, and rental income at a higher ratio than lower-income households, it makes sense to seek out creative ways to increase income.
If you have multiple real estate properties, or if you are considering investing in real estate, a reverse mortgage can be a lucrative way to generate additional income. A reverse mortgage can also help you hang onto other investments. When another Bear market hits, you won’t have to sell other assets at depreciated values.
You have plenty of years left at retirement age. Why worry about cutting back on expenses or downsizing your home when you can tap into home equity to maintain your existing lifestyle?
Reverse Mortgages: A Different Way to Diversify
A reverse mortgage enables homeowners and homebuyers age 62 or older to convert some of their home equity into cash or a line of credit. In some cases, you can also use the loan proceeds to finance a home purchase.
Unlike a traditional home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC), you don’t have to repay a reverse mortgage until the last surviving borrower (or a non-borrowing spouse who meets certain requirements) no longer lives in the home, or the home is sold.
Most high-income borrowers, especially those who own multiple homes, will still have equity and other investments to pass on to their heirs. However, we encourage you to involve family members in your decision.
AMREverse Knows Retirement Optimization and wants to empowers seniors and Baby Boomers to live the life they want in retirement, with greater flexibility and peace of mind.Because reverse mortgages is our primary focus, we won’t try to talk you into risky loan products. As Reverse Mortgage Advisors we do one thing well—walk you through the entire reverse mortgage process. We will answer every question, no matter how detailed. After a thorough assessment, we will guide you to options that best suit your needs.
When diversifying your portfolio, think outside the box. Learn more about reverse mortgages as creative investment options.
Creative Investment Options
You may be retired, but you haven’t stopped working. Now that you’ve said goodbye to the 40-plus hour workweek, you occupy your time with hobbies, possibly some consulting work, and researching investment strategies.
It’s a challenge for financial planners and retirees alike to figure out how to generate a steady stream of income while adhering to withdrawal guidelines. And many retirees of a certain net worth may not want to cut expenses or downsize their homes once they’ve stopped working.
As the over-60 crowd considers ways to make the most of their retirement savings, they often overlook one underused but highly beneficial tool—the reverse mortgage.
If you own multiple properties, you can easily make that equity work for you. Use the proceeds from a reverse mortgage as a line of credit or as monthly payments. While you receive reverse mortgage proceeds, you won’t have to touch your investments. Watch your portfolio grow and access a smaller percentage of it later.
An FAR licensed Reverse Mortgage Specialist can help you understand how to make the most of your hard-earned nest egg
A Better Way to Retire
You may have retired, but you haven’t slowed down. This new phase of life signifies new beginnings: time to pursue hobbies, write that book, volunteer your time, and otherwise enjoy an active lifestyle. The last thing you want to do is watch your wallet.
For adults age 62 and over who owe little to nothing on their primary home and have a healthy retirement nest egg, a reverse mortgage can help leverage those assets. Use the proceeds to pay off what’s left of your mortgage, invest in rental property, or use it to enhance your monthly income stream.
Retirement doesn’t have to be the end to anything. For many, it can be the beginning of an active, stress-free life that’s full of exciting opportunities.