What We Do
Authority Mortgage has limitless options in forward mortgages, but there is a strong product that promises seniors a mortgage option that gives you an income rather than taking it away, makes your retirement years more financially enjoyable, and solves the common problem many seniors face of lacking retirement savings.
That product is the government-insured Reverse Mortgage loan.
What makes AMREverse the best out of all the top reverse mortgage lenders?
We sit down with you and guide you through each phase in the process, explaining every step of the way. It is a very personal process, as we get to know you and make it a priority to fully understand your situation and needs. We treat our clients not as numbers, but as family.
Consumer Safeguards
A number of consumer safeguards have been established to protect reverse mortgage borrowers. These protections ensure lenders like us are doing their jobs right, and that you and your family have a thorough understanding of how a reverse mortgage loan works. The following consumer safeguards were instituted for your benefit:1)No Pre Payment Penalties, 2)HUD Fee Limitations, 3)Non-Recourse Loan, 4)Financial Assessment, 5)Non-Borrowing Spouse, 6) Counseling.
What Can a Reverse Mortgage Do For You ?
Consider the Possibilities and These Four Concerns of Seniors
Longevity Concern: Will I have enough savings to meet my basic living expenses?
How much does the thought of running out of savings in retirement trouble you?
Lifestyle Concern: Will I have enough money to enjoy retirement on my terms?
How disappointed would you be if you had to adjust your standard of living to make your savings last?
Liquidity Concern: Will I have access to money when I need it?
How prepared are you for unexpected spending shocks in retirement?
Legacy Concern: How will I be financially remembered?
How important is it for you to cut back on your retirement lifestyle if it meant leaving more legacy for your heirs?
​If you had No Mortgage Payment
How would it impact your life? What area would improve the most?
Since 1992 we have been dedicated to helping families reach their financial goals by utilizing their largest investment, their Home. What sets us apart, is our ability to unite our clients with options that meet there needs. Forward Mortgage, Reverse Mortgage and Realty Services with our sister company AMRE.
We commit to helping you understand the process of Reverse Mortgage lending, arming you with the knowledge to make an educated decision whether or not a Reverse Mortgage will best help your particular situation. When we can help you make an informed decision, we feel like we are part of something important
We specialize in helping older adults right-size and relocate with care, ease and dignity. We know how to work with seniors during an exciting and sometimes overwhelming time of their lives. We understand the complexities of moving and the attachment many older adults have to their home. So let us do the heavy lifting

FAMILY is the HEART of our HOME

Need more details? Contact us (909) 228-5290
Give us a call and together, we can figure out if a Reverse Mortgage can help you accomplish everything you need. We’ll come up with a game plan on how you can take advantage of this federally-insured product and use this powerful financial planning tool in the absolute best way for you.
CA BRE Real Estate Broker License #01177825 Authority Mortgage, National Mortgage Licensing System #974792 and #335933
1Loan proceeds are paid tax free; consult your tax advisor. ²If you qualify and your loan is approved, a Reverse Mortgage must pay off your existing mortgage(s). With a Reverse Mortgage, no monthly mortgage payment is required. Borrowers are responsible for paying property taxes and homeowner’s insurance (which may be substantial). We do not establish an escrow account for disbursements of these payments. Borrowers must also occupy home as primary residence and pay for ongoing maintenance; otherwise the loan becomes due and payable. The loan must be paid off when the last borrower, or eligible non-borrowing surviving spouse, dies, sells the home, permanently moves out, or does not comply with the loan terms. A Reverse Mortgage increases the principal mortgage loan amount and decreases home equity (it is a negative amortization loan). A Reverse Mortgage increases the principal mortgage loan amount and decreases home equity (it is a negative amortization loan). Reverse mortgages are first and second mortgage loans. These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a government agency.